Saturday, November 20, 2010

Goals of the Fish

A little scary that I"m writing this with the assumption that nobody will ever see this.  If I ever become famous.....  So why am I writing this?

Therapy would be the short answer I think.  A place in the world where I can collect my thoughts and analyze my poker game.  A way to put pressure -- a written statement -- of my goals for the entire world to see. (I wonder if someone will read this one day?)

Only about poker?  I have no idea and reserve the right to change topics.  Most likely this will occur at the next presidential election or if I go into a nerd rage over some online game.  The general point though is to discuss poker with particular emphasis on my abilities.

As for me, I"m 35, wife, two kids, and poker is a hobby.  A hobby I hope to make much more lucrative then the average player.  Anyone else able to relate with the Satruday afternoons lost on the Atari 2600?

Heads-Up poker is the game for me.  I like the action, the one-on-one competition and the ability it takes to make key decisions.  2 Max SnG are where I spend my time almost exclusively.  The cap on what you can lose seems to work better for me also.  This type of game allows me to be aggressive with my chips, but also makes it easier to not take huge hits on variance -- or let's be honest -- bad plays.

I started playing on 6 or 9 man SnGs, but found that if I do well I would consistently come into 2nd place.  That makes sense as most people have experience playing in ring games or SnGs where you are winning pots against a larger field.  If you were/are anything like I am then you suddenly found it hard to read people at the critical finale.

That is why I moved into heads up play. 

Should I say one million -- six figures -- $10k?  For now let's take a baby step and assume $10k is the goal. I've started this blog a little late as I"ve been playing for a couple of months.   THIS time I started on 9/24/10.  I also think an ROI of 15% is probably about right for me. 

Current Run:
I put $50 into Full Tilt Poker and started playing the $2.50 heads up games.  Due to my history I now find bankroll management VERY (VERY VERY) important.  For this reason I am going slow as we try to become the bigger fish in the felt pond.

I do receive some rakeback, and I'll take advantage of some deposit deals sometimes, but for the purpose of this goal I am looking at the graph as the only indicator of success. 

I do have a few games missing from this graph which I'll add in -- only about 10 games or so though. 

Poker Thoughts:
I have been playing $2.50 and $5.00 games up until now almost exlusively. My ROI at $2.50 was awful -- terrible even. I don't know if it was because I was coming back rusty or if it was harder to read my opponent.  When I moved up to $5.00 I became much more successful and seemed to find my rythm. 

  • 125 games
  • 70 W
  • ROI of 4.13%
  • 216 games
  • 133 W
  • ROI of 17.28%

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