Thursday, December 2, 2010

November Results

November results are in.  It was a great month overall.  For both Oct and Nov I spazzed on the final day losing money. 

Total profit was almost $370 against my budget of $251.55 - 47% over budget.  Mainly this is down to moving up stakes faster than expected.

Thankfully I"m finally learning that If I lose 3 or 4 buyins it is time to quit and walk away.

Multi Tabling = Epic Fail

I've been reading the two plus two forums (they are great if you are the only poker player in the world who hasn't found them).  Common acceptance on ROI seems to be 10% is good at normal speeds and 5% is respectable for turbo.  Along with this I keep hearing how people 4 table HU SnG. 

I thought I would give it a go these last few days and either my variance was really bad or I suck donkey balls when I try to play 3 tables at once.  (I'll assume the latter).  I used my laptop as I didn't want my main PC to pick these up games via PokerTracker.  After about 40 games I was down 5 buy-ins.  (played $10)That was enough for me to test the waters.  My ROI over 477 tournaments is about 21% and 32% currently at $10. This was a complete blood bath.

I dont know how folks do it, but I was completely flustered and was missing all of the subtlety I find you can pick up when focusing on one game per time. I took far too long to think about my hands, checked when I should have raised, raised when I should checked, raising oop, chasing flushes, etc.